Traffic Commissioner Public Inquiries

Traffic commissioners are appointed under the Public Passenger Vehicles Act 1981, and are responsible for licensing and regulating operators of HGVs and PSVs), including buses and coaches.

Licence applications are publicly available and objections can be made by public bodies such as local authorities and the police. Individuals may also be able to make representations about environmental issues such as concerns over noise pollution or congestion.

If a driver has broken the terms of their licence, a formal public inquiry may be called in order to investigate the matter further.

A driver may also be required to attend a public inquiry if someone has objected to their licence application.

Our Transport Lawyers at Nicholls & Nicholls specialise in defending Operators, Directors and Transport Managers called to a public inquiry.

We can assist with representation at these hearings and advise on any allegations of a breach. We are also best placed to be able to advise or assist in relation to any appeals of a decision following an inquiry.

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