There are four main offences associated with illegal drugs: possession, supply, production and importation. The legal restrictions are outlined in the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. Controlled drugs are categorised within the legislation, ranging from Class A, which includes cocaine and heroin, Class B, which includes ketamine and cannabis, to Class C, which includes anabolic steroids, GHB and other drugs commonly referred to as ‘prescription drugs.’
It is not uncommon for drug offences to involve large amounts of data whether phone downloads, analysis of the location of electronic devices, correspondence between numerous defendants or evidence from various properties where searches have been undertaken.
Frequently, professionals are found to have small amounts of class A or B drugs on their person placing them in custody, under arrest and with possible court proceedings as a result.
Nicholls & Nicholls can assist with discussing possible defences to these allegations and representation in the police station, Magistrates Courts and Crown Courts for the more serious cases.
With regulations relating to CBD and psychoactive substances constantly changing, it is not unusual for prosecuting authorities such as local councils and the CPS to misunderstand or simply get it wrong when it comes to investigation and prosecuting individuals and businesses. Nicholls & Nicholls have experience working with the best and most experienced experts in this ever changing area and have successfully defended cases of this nature.
Canna Kitchen, believed to be one of the first businesses to be prosecuted for possession with intent to supply class B drugs, for selling CBD products, was represented by Nicholls & Nicholls successfully.
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